Saturday 21 June 2014


許多第一次當父母親的朋友都會好奇地問: 養育雙胞胎對教養一定有什麼心得或秘訣吧?

我的回答總是千篇一律, 第一步, 請父母學會放手  聽到的回答通常是, 什麼? 都還沒開始學習當爸媽怎麼能放手呢? 這樣真是太危險了!  

相信我, 當老天爺給了妳們這個世界上最偉大的責任時, 妳已經準備好了!

讓她們去嘗試跌倒進而學會對錯, 讓孩子們去親自體驗好過妳幫她安排好 讓她們盡情的做自己喜歡的事情進而學習到專注能力 從不斷地練習中學習到屬於自己的技能

我們唯一要做的是在孩子跌倒時扶她一把 和她說沒甚麼大不了拍一拍繼續大步的往前進

放手 讓孩子學習成長和獨立 其實 很多時候是父母像長不大的孩子般不肯放手 因為一但孩子長大了, 害怕放手的是媽媽自己吧!

Saturday 23 November 2013


Nothing can prepare you for being a parent; it's a non-stop learning process, with ultimate fun, happiness and satisfaction

My husband and I were both born in Taipei and I was brought up in London, United Kingdom while he moved to Los Angeles at the age of sixteen. We have been raised up in two different backgrounds: cultural, educational and environmental. As our twin girls are growing fast day by day, we have decided to raise them up in a multicultural way.

Enjoy Scone and Twin with a cup of nice tea!